Ever since the release of “The Secret”, there has been a lot of hype around the topic of
visualization. Speci cally, many people have gained an awareness about the power of
visualization and how it can positively or negatively impact the results you experience in your
This is not a new concept by any means. Visualization has been a practice used by many cultures
for many generations. Olympic athletes are now trained in the art of visualization as a means of
gaining a competitive advantage in their chosen sport. Unfortunately, I think the way The Secret
portrayed the idea of visualization gave people a skewed perspective of how visualization
actually works. Too many people assumed that the simple act of thinking about something would
automatically cause it to become reality. As any logical thinking person would agree, this is
de nitely not always the case.
The true power of visualization comes from the fact that we all have access to creative thoughts.
We can create a new idea in our mind through the simple act of visualization. Using the power of
action, we can take an idea that exists in our mind and bring it into reality. The process to do so
varies depending on the idea you have conceived. The point is that all creation starts in the mind
and it is up to the originator of that idea to see the result through to completion.
The more I have studied the connection between mental and physical reality, the more I have
become fascinated by the topic of visualization. A simple example is, you can take a room in
your home, visualize an entirely new arrangement and then go to work on bringing your vision
into reality. A few hours later, there you have your visualized image into reality. OK so it’s not
the most exciting example in the world but that same process can be applied to anything. And to
me, that IS exciting.
I have visualized myself doing some amazing things in my lifetime. Some of these things have
already come to pass while many of my larger visions still elude me. The fact that our vision of
the goal creates the potential for it to really happen is something for every person to get excited
Someone visualized humans ying through the sky. People laughed. Now we have been
doing it for over a century!
Someone visualized sending sound through the air and being able to hear the sound in a
remote location. People laughed. Now we have 1000s of radio stations
Someone visualized two people having a conversation across the world with no wires.
People laughed. I just got off a Skype call with someone over 1000 miles away.
I had my own interesting visualization experience about 2 years ago. I was at a personal
development seminar and the speaker was talking about the power of visualization. He was
telling all kinds of exciting stories about people who had used various visualization techniques to
create some amazing results in their lives. Toward the end of his talk he walked us through a
“guided visualization” exercise. In the exercise, he had us close our eyes and clearly visualize a
result we would like to create. Having tried and failed at this kind of experiment in the past, I
was somewhat reluctant but I decided to suspend any disbelief and just try it out.
For my visualization, I picture my hand raising in front of my face and seeing my wedding band
on my ring nger. I had lost the ring 3 months earlier on a blustery winter day and had no idea
where it might have fallen. The exercise forced me to hold this vision of the ring on my nger for
at least 2 minutes (although I think it was even longer than that). The exercise ended and he
continued on with the presentation. After that, I dropped the whole thing from my mind and went
on with my day.
Later that evening, my wife answered the phone and there was a call from our sister in-law. Her
neighbor had found a gold wedding ring on their lawn among a pile of melting snow. She knew I
had been missing my ring so she called me right away to tell us it had been found. The ring must
have fallen off in their driveway and been shot across the yard with a snowblower only to land
on the neighbor’s yard. What are the chances that they discover the ring right around the same
time I visualized it?
Yes it is mysterious and it also could be coincidence. I guess you just have to ask yourself what
you believe in? For me, I know the power of visualization and I continue to leverage it as a
success habit in my life.
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