Using visulizations to help you sleep

You need a 7 Day BrainwashVisualizations are powerful ways of releasing stress and to conjure up happier and perhaps more peaceful times for the individual. The techniques (first stage towards meditation) can take a little while to perfect and this varies from person to person but they can be used to suit the individual’s needs. They can be done at any time of the day or night for any length of time, but initially, five or ten minutes may be all that can be sustained without conscious thought interrupting the visualization.

When the individual is about to commence a visualization, it’s important to ensure that the phone is unplugged and that they are unlikely to be disturbed.

Visualization A Beautiful Scene

With eyes closed, it’s important to focus intently on any moment in time where happiness was experienced. This can often be the birth of a child, marriage or simply a moment where pure contentment was reached. To be able to picture the scene completely, it’s important to become part of the scene using memories so that it feels real. In a way, the moment becomes freeze framed for the individual to step into and experience at will.

The Box Visualization

When problems get too much and sleep is interrupted as a result, the best way for any individual to cope with them is to use the Box Visualization’ as this affords a great deal of control over any areas of concern.

When lying down and with eyes closed, imagine the actual problem and make the visualization as clear as possible before mentally shrinking it down to tiny proportions. Mentally place the problem in a box and put the lid on it. Practice makes perfect with this technique and if the problem still plagues during the visualization, it’s important to stay focussed and to keep placing the problem back into the box.

This repetitive action gives you power over the situation. Wrap the box, tape it so that it is secure and then mentally drop the box containing the problem over a bridge and into a fast flowing river. It can be very therapeutic to watch the problem being swept away and will certainly aid sleep as a result.

This can be repeated as many times as is necessary but it’s an excellent tool to help avoid any problems from disturbing sleep. With a full night’s sleep, any problems will look much less concerning anyway.

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