Trust your ability to navigate through life

You need a 7 Day BrainwashDon’t you wish you could see round corners? Corners in time I mean.

If only we knew what was coming next! How many times in your life have you said or heard statements such as “if I’d only known then what I know now”, or “I should have seen it coming.”?

Because we can’t see round corners we cling, sometimes we even panic. We cling to our jobs or lifestyles that are outmoded, no longer expressing who we truly are, and that instead of supporting us have come to imprison us. But to change or let go would be terrifying.

Obviously we can’t see round corners. But I have a question for you. When was the last time you got into a car with not the faintest idea where you wanted to go? Never! Yet as you travel the roads you have no idea what is round each corner. You *trust* your ability to navigate any hazard that might appear, and you have total certainty about your ability to arrive safely at your destination.

The key is to be certain of the destination at the outset. Once you know where you’re headed, GO! Do your preparation as you would for any journey – read the guide books, pack your bags, buy your ticket, maybe even take out a little insurance, then go.

What else is life for?

Navigating the hazards will grow you along the way.

And if perchance you don’t end up where you thought you wanted to go, you’ll get somewhere else, and there’ll be another adventure for you to have.

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