A large majority of our population waste a lot of time on the Internet. It is a very easy thing to do in this generation of information addiction. I am just as guilty as anyone else for having wasted many valuable hours sur ng aimlessly. Since becoming a full time business owner over 2 years […]
Have you faced your fears?
Justin Popovic and Brad Gosse talk about fear and how you need to challenge yourself and conquering your fears.
Set your target with goals
“Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us, they are essentially to really keep us alive.” Robert Schuller Goal Setting and Goal Achieving is ultimately what characterizes the true winners in life. Unfortunately for some people, they have wonderful and exciting ideas for their life but it rarely goes further than the idea phase. […]
Do you feel the need’ to be right all the time?
Our world is full of variety. On any given day we can have both positive and negative experiences. Many of these experiences ultimately influence the way we see the world and the opinions we form about how the world works. Everyone lives in the context of their own perspective. While one person may look at […]
Your Comfort Zone Needs To Expand
Getting out of your comfort zone
How You Can Motivate Yourself to Work Better
Motivation is something we all feed on. We need to be motivated to do our tasks.
We need to be inspired without that, it is very difficult to achieve anything that we are setting out to do.
If we put our minds to it, we can motivate ourselves to perform better. Self-motivation, as it is called, is a state of the mind.
To be able to inspire ourselves to do better, we have to condition ourselves to think that we can do better.
That is so true! There are so many times that we just let go of things just because we resign ourselves to our demotivated self.
We tell ourselves that we cannot do something, and then things really begin happening that way.