How often do you use “you” when you mean “I”? I’m intrigued when I hear the famous interviewed. They’ll happily talk about their latest movie, or the publication date of their next bestseller. But as soon as the interviewer puts them under scrutiny about the juicy stuff, they switch from “I” to “you”. “Is it […]
Mistakes We Make When Setting Goals
Goal setting is a common process to achieve success. However, many a times, people make some common mistakes while setting goals.
People often set fuzzy goals. Be specific of what you want to achieve
The second major mistake is setting deadlines that are hard to meet. Set an attainable due date.
The third major mistake is that people often set boundaries when trying to achieve goals. Do things that are outside your comfort zone, you just might surprise yourself.
The fourth major mistake that people make is that they discuss matters of importance to achieve goal with the wrong people. Negative people will always talk down your goals, wait until you have hit a mile stone before sharing your ideas.
Last but not the least, most people do not have a proper action plan to reach the goal. Make a plan you won’t regret it.
How To Change Habits To Improve Life
Our Lives are filled with Good Habits and Bad Habits
Good habits we may keep, but if one wants to better their life the bad habits must take a hike.
To better your life, you need to admit and say out loud “This habit blocks me from accomplishment and I have to change it.”
Rather than looking at the negative side of things, accept bad habits as truth but move past them to make your life better.
When you’re working to alter your life and change bad habits make sure you seek support and feedback.
Take little steps to accomplish big successes
Positive vs. Negative Thought Vibrations
Positive thought vibrations are generated from good feelings, such as: -Joy -Love -Excitement -Abundance (of anything that causes a positive response) -Pride -Comfort -Confidence -Affection On the other hand, negative thought vibrations are generated from negative feelings, such as: -Disappointment -Loneliness -Lack (of any of life’s necessities or luxuries) -Sadness -Confusion -Stress -Anger -Hurt Want […]
Do you have a clear vision?
Justin Popovic and Brad Gosse talk about their thoughts and feelings about vision and the role it plays in their lives.
Focus on what you have
I don’t mean to get slushy on you, but do you ever stop to think about what you’ve got? I don’t know you all personally, of course but it’s a fair bet that you’d at least like to tweak life a little, just to pep it up a notch or two. Today let yourself sink […]
Think differently
You know how sometimes things can just stick in your mind? Even things you’ve heard before? It reminds me of that old adage, “When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.” It’s as though you just weren’t ready for the deeper meaning of something to sink in until this moment. Something like that happened […]
8 motivational tips
Be sure to not allow your need for acceptance hold you back when it comes to your life and your dreams. Use this day to focus on giving yourself approval and GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT. Nothing is more harmful to your own growth and development than being a “people pleaser”. Take some time today […]