“The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail.” — Napoleon Hill
First of all let me address this quote. Given the times that Mr. Hill lived in, we can forgive him for using the term “men” but let’s agree that this quote applies to everyone equally.
If we are completely honest with ourselves, every one of us has come up short when it comes to finding plans that work. In fact, in most cases, when we have a new idea that we want to implement in our lives, our first attempts almost always falls short.
There is no “failure” per se but rather, a choice. Do we choose to draft new plans and keep going? Or do we give up on the idea and move on.
The first thing you should recognize is that this quote should be taken to heart when it comes to fulfilling your ultimate goals and dreams in life. I’m talking about that goal you may have to ditch your desk job and start the animal sanctuary you’ve always dreamed of owning…. you know what I mean… the BIG dreams.
Right now you may be working on a big goal or a big idea and things may not be going so well. Remember this quote and remember to adjust, adapt and expand your ideas but NEVER give up if the goal is important to you.
You can do it… you just need to persist. And sometimes that persistence will be the only thing to keep you going.
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