Develop Your Mind

You need a 7 Day Brainwash“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.”

Siddhartha Buddha

When I say, “develop the mind”, I am really talking about reaching an elevated level of understanding regarding the connection between your mind, your body and the results in your life.

An important distinction to make before we discuss the mind any further is that our mind is simply a part’ of us. Too often, people identify themselves as their mind when, in truth, our mind is another part of our being much like our arms or legs. Even more importantly, WE have the ability to CONTROL our mind by choosing our THOUGHTS.

That’s right! We choose our thoughts whether we realize it or not. Unfortunately, many people are in the habit of choosing negative thoughts without even realizing they are doing so. For example, if you have lived your whole life believing that another person’s opinion is more important than your own, then you would have accepted any negative criticism as the truth regardless of whether it served you or not. In fact, someone’s negative comment may have actually caused you to abandon your dream.

Unless you learned how to CHOOSE new thoughts regarding other people’s opinions, you would never be able to change these results. If you would like to learn more, read the article entitled, “Self-Talk. How Thoughts Affect Feelings” by Jerry Waxler.

The empowering realization is that your ability to choose thoughts is ALWAYS available to you. You have the power to habituate new thought patterns (beliefs) that support your passions and goals in life.

Habituating this new way of thinking is not something that will happen overnight. Like any other habit, it takes consistency and repetition.

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