Banish Feelings of Low Self-Esteem and Increase Confidence

You need a 7 Day BrainwashSetting goals and planning your future is great of course but what happens if you start second guessing whether you are making the right choices in life? Do you suffer with self-doubts and anxieties as to whether you have it in you to succeed?

You’re not alone if you constantly experience those nagging doubts; they are a part of human nature and especially for those who do have low self-esteem but everyone will experience moments of hesitation and feelings of anxiousness. It’s how you deal with those feelings that are the most important.

It is possible to break out of this vicious cycle of negative thinking and with practice you can learn to control these dips in your confidence levels. There may be reasons of course why you are experiencing doubts and if there is a deep intrinsic reason as to why you are feeling less than confident, then this is something that you need to work through to be able to progress.

Sometimes we take on more than we can deal with. Sometimes we are thrown into situations where we have no way of coping and this can dent even the toughest of esteem levels. This additional and unwarranted pressure may have led to you doubting your own abilities.

Negative thoughts can chip away at your confidence, so stop them in their tracks and determine to think only positive thoughts. It’s not easy but it is achievable and the more that you do it, the better than you will feel.

Damaging self talk has probably been a part of you for many years so you have to realize that you won’t gain complete control for a while. But every time that you start thinking negatively, instead focus on something positive and think about all of the new opportunities for you that lies ahead.

Emotional hugs are something that can really give yourself a boost and if you can visualize yourself being cosseted and hugged and safe and secure, you will soon start to feel much better. Awareness of how you think and feel is vital if you are going to make changes because if you know that you are good at creating opportunities but bad at taking the risk of embracing those opportunities, then it’s obvious that you need to make changes and face your self-limitations.

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