Those of you who are searching for a job may find it impossible to find one which suits you. Is this because such a job does not exist, or is it because in your subconscious mind you believe that you will not be able to find a job, and consequently are releasing so much negative […]
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Active Listening is Very Important
Do you find yourself misunderstanding what others say to you?
Most people hear others speaking to them, but most of the time our interactions are not focused and we may listen to people speak, without truly hearing what they want to say to us.
You may have heard active listening referred to as reflective listening.
Develop important techniques and qualities that enable you to remain in control of your thoughts and emotions when having discussions with others.
Brad Gosse discusses the idea of planning, and how he doesn’t like to plan too much or too far ahead.
Reprogram your mind
One of the most fulfilling things a person can do is take some kind of action that causes them to improve in a certain area of their life. Think about this from your own perspective for a second. Remember a time when you accomplished something that proved you had become “better”. For me, when I […]
You are responsible for what happens in your life
Want to know what thought energies you have been giving out to the universe? It is simple- take a look around you! Look at the job you do, the car you drive, the home you live in and the people in your life they are all reflections of what you have been giving out. Not […]
One action leads to another, so take action!
“If your desire is to do good there is no need to wait for money before you do it; you can do it now, this very moment, and just where you are.” — James Allen This quote from James Allen carries profound wisdom, truth and power. Let this quote help you bring your awareness back […]
Focus on the good not the bad
I do my best, I do. I try with each post to be totally original, but sometimes, just sometimes I think, “Weeeeelll, I know they’ve heard it before, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt for them to hear it again.” (Of course, what I don’t tell you is that I get to hear it for myself […]
Encouragement Is Important to Us All
Everyone Needs Encouragement