How to find motivation

You need a 7 Day BrainwashLearning what makes you tick on an individual level is so important. Once you have found the elixir of motivation, it makes sense to tap into it and to give yourself a kick-start if you start flagging.

You can start learning about yourself just through understanding what your biggest achievement has been to date and how you came to reach it.

Think long and hard about the following questions and take time to write down full-answers in response. Be honest with yourself when answering these questions-you may surprise yourself.

1. What is your biggest achievement to date?

2. How did you achieve your success?

3. During the process, what kept you going to the end goal?

4. How were you motivated?

5. How much did the end goal mean to you?

Once you have answered the questions, sit quietly and contemplate back to that time when you experienced that joyous sense of achievement.

Remember that people are motivated by very different things and what motivates one may not motivate another but your inner-most dreams have probably changed little and will have remained fairly constant throughout. What often happens is that people give up on these hopes and instead settle for something much less simply because it is easier and quicker.

The true dream, your true destiny may have taken a lot of hard work and patience and therefore was abandoned. This knowledge of taking the easy route may be an issue for you today.

From the following list, write down any that connects with your feelings:

-Do you seek recognition from others?

-Do you strive to make life better for your family?

-Do you need to prove to yourself that you can be someone important or achieve all of your goals for personal satisfaction?

-Do you feel that it’s important to do the right thing in life?

-Do you strive to increase your financial income?

-Do you have a passion in life and find it all-consuming?

-Was your childhood difficult and do you wish to ensure that your adult life is vastly improved?

-Is it important for you to take charge of your life and do something that matters?

-Do you need variety in life so embrace any changes?

-Does seeing your goals written down in black and white increase your determination to succeed?

You may find that several relate to how you feel personally so make a note of them and pin them up where you can see them so that they are a constant reminder of how you really feel.

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