The other day I sent out an email broadcast. I clicked “Send” (as you do) and went about my business. The next day I discovered an odd thing – some people, including me, (I put myself on my mailing list as a check that everything’s going ok), didn’t get the message. But others did.
What are we to make of this gremlin glitch?
Let’s take it from many angles. Philosophically: Shrug. It’s just one of those things. And everything is happening as it should. Metaphysically: It’s a little nudge from the Universe to double check work. Metaphorically: A reminder that things do not always turn up exactly when you want them to. But they do turn up. Electronically: It’s just a mystery. Let’s wonder at it! Surreal: Time is winding backwards!
It means all of those things, and more, and none of the above. When all’s said and done, the only thing there is to remember is that nothing has any meaning except the meaning you give it.
So make up empowering meanings for events that happen in your life. If all adversity is nothing but a means to prove how resourceful you are as you turn it round, or another wave for you to ride, then adversity becomes your ally in strengthening you, waves, (which all have crests as well as troughs), are fun to test your skill at life-surfing.
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