The law of attraction first steps

You need a 7 Day BrainwashYou may want to practice by first trying to manifest something small, such as a parking space. Next time you need to park somewhere where parking is limited, try this.

First, think of something that brings you strong emotions and feelings of happiness, such as a relationship, special memory or your pet. Keep thinking about it until you can feel the joy of it spread throughout your entire body. Use your senses- imagine what it feels like, sounds like, smells like etc.

Now, in your truly happy state, visualize what it is you want to manifest and see it as if you already have it- see yourself parking your car in the space you want to manifest, feel the satisfaction of knowing you don’t have a long walk to your destination, imagine yourself leaving your car, knowing it is perfectly safe. The more vividly you can imagine it and the more positive you feel whilst doing so, the more powerful this exercise will be.

When you have held this feeling for several seconds- you will be able to hold this longer with practice- say out loud I am so happy and grateful now that ‘ and fill in your intention, for example I am so happy and grateful now that I have parked my car in the space of my choice’.

Now release it to the universe and forget about parking. You must trust that the universe will deliver your intention to you- don’t let doubts creep in and start to question it as all you will achieve is to push it away.

This is the basics for attracting anything into your life. A simple intention such as a parking space should manifest relatively quickly, but for more complex intentions, such as a new car, you will need to allow a lot more time.

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