What do you really want?

You need a 7 Day BrainwashThis weekend be easy on yourself. Think of something you always wanted but put off having. Something frivolous. A new gadget. A widget for the car or kitchen. A game for the computer that you secretly covet, but are afraid everyone will think you’re too old for.

Write on paper all the feelings you’ll have if you own this thing. Realize, if you won’t let yourself fully express even a small dream such as this on paper, how are you ever going to give yourself the true pleasures of life?

Go on! What is it? A cuddly toy? Go on, I dare you! Give it to yourself! Maybe you could even say to someone who owes you a favour or money that you want the item in repayment.

Just for a tiddly minute, drop “sensible” and play!

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