Getting out of your comfort zone
How You Can Motivate Yourself to Work Better
Motivation is something we all feed on. We need to be motivated to do our tasks.
We need to be inspired without that, it is very difficult to achieve anything that we are setting out to do.
If we put our minds to it, we can motivate ourselves to perform better. Self-motivation, as it is called, is a state of the mind.
To be able to inspire ourselves to do better, we have to condition ourselves to think that we can do better.
That is so true! There are so many times that we just let go of things just because we resign ourselves to our demotivated self.
We tell ourselves that we cannot do something, and then things really begin happening that way.
Thought vibrations and the law of attraction
The emotional energy we give out in the form of thoughts is referred to as a vibration. Our thoughts are only powerful when they are connected to emotions. This is just as well, as we can have many thousands of different thoughts each day, but most are only fleeting so do not contain any emotional […]
You can’t please everybody all the time
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” — Bill Cosby Nothing is more harmful to your own growth and development than being a “people pleaser”. We all crave acceptance and approval from family, friends, co-workers, and so on. It is a natural human instinct. Be […]
3 Ways You Can Attract Abundance
You don’t have to look very far to see the law of abundance in action. A single apple seed can spawn an entire orchard, whilst to count the individual grains of sand on a beach would take many lifetimes. (As well as being somewhat pointless). The universe is clearly abundant. Not only that, but it […]
What are you afraid of?
Brad Gosse discusses fear and how people let fear get in the way of their success.
Don’t Put Your Dreams on the Backburner
Dreams Are Significant
Making a Vision Board
What is a vision board? It is a collection of pictures, words or photographs of all the things you want to attract into your life, usually fixed to a large sheet of card or pinned to a large cork board. A vision board can be a very powerful tool to use to manifest your desires. […]