The other day I sent out an email broadcast. I clicked “Send” (as you do) and went about my business. The next day I discovered an odd thing – some people, including me, (I put myself on my mailing list as a check that everything’s going ok), didn’t get the message. But others did. What […]
How do I think about abundance rather than scarcity?
Once you are aware of your thoughts and actions, you will find it easier to change them. Learn to recognize the abundance you have in your life right now, whilst expecting more abundance in the future. Watch your thoughts. If you find yourself thinking I can’t afford it’ then turn it around and think How […]
Keep motivated with these tips
Remind yourself that if they can do it, you can do it. This is the attitude that will take you to the heights you are dreaming of today. Each and every one of us contains the amazing power to change our life at any time we decide to do so. Make a major change today […]
10 Inspirational quotes from Napolean Hill
“Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. “ “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” “Every adversity, every failure, and every heartache, carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or greater Benefit.” “Failure is nature’s plan […]
Have You Treated Yourself to a Cappuccino Today
Maybe you don’t like coffee and that is okay. The question is really asking whether you have given yourself permission to do something for you today.
Many of us feel guilty if we do things for ourselves or we may do them out of a feeling of guilt.
Allowing ourselves to self-care means we allow ourselves to have that cappuccino with a friend rather than stay home and do the dishes.
Most of the time, with a little planning we can care for personal wellbeing and that simple step is guaranteed to increase our productivity and well-being both at home and at work.
Benefits of Setting Goals
The benefits associated with goal setting do not only accrue to the professionals.
To succeed in life, goal setting is paramount.
Each and every successful person acknowledges the weight of goal setting.
Successful lawyers, athletes and doctors have in one way or another set goal in their lives.
Another benefit that accrues to goal setting is that goals act as vision.
A vision that enables that you see yourself.
A vision that gives you energy and passion and propels you forward as you work harder and harder towards your ultimate goal.
Supportive vs. Unsupportive Relationships
Are your relationships helping or hindering you
Quick Implementation Of Ideas
Quick implementation of your ideas
Systems Equal Success
When it comes to personal behaviour and getting your daily activities in harmony with your life goals, it is absolutely critical to have a system in place. Brain researchers claim that between 90-95% of all human behaviour is habitual which means we literally perform these activities without really thinking about them. Without a system to […]