Archive | April, 2012

You Want An Easy Way To Attract Money? Discover How To Become Wealthy From Within

The “holy grail” of the law of attraction would surely be to find an easy way of attracting money. Ever since the end of bartering, people have searched for some simple steps to become rich. A little research – by which I mean using myself as a guinea pig – has led me to discover […]

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Chill Out!

One of the “personal skills” I have been working on for the past couple of years is my ability to not take things too seriously. There are so many events in our day to day lives that make us stressed out and it is easy to get wrapped up in the intensity of a situation. […]

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6 reasons why may not achieve results using the law of attraction

Why Isn’t The Law of Attraction Working For You? The law of attraction definitely works- it is a proven system for manifesting whatever you want into your life. The basic principles are to simply state your goals or desires (intentions), focus on them with feeling, believe that they are on their way to you and […]

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Goal Setting : Great Strategies to Accomplish Goals

Goal Setting : Great Strategies to Accomplish Goals

Achievement of major goals takes a long time and due to this reason, many people tend to divert from actually achieving their goals.

To achieve your goals:

You must be able to read yourself and your mind clearly. Be specific in your goal.

Motivate yourself. Remind yourself often of what you want to achieve.

Proper planning is essential to achieve a goal.

As they say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

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YOU are perfect just as you are

As you look around you, perhaps contemplating what will become of you as life ticks by, think on this. Everywhere you look you will find people, living or dead, who have achieved more than you. Some are more intelligent, more talented, more beautiful. Others will be the opposite. There are people who achieve very little […]

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What will the future be like?

Imagine what it would have been like in the year 999. Suppose you could travel back there and explain to them what the world will be like in another thousand years. You could tell them about flight, computers and medical advances. You could try explaining television and email. Maybe you’d give them some understanding of […]

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What makes you unique?

Did you ever stop to think that you’ve always got something to say? No matter what question gets thrown at you, no matter how odd, awkward or bizarre the circumstance, you can always come out with a comment. It isn’t like you have to stop and think what to say next. I mean, imagine if […]

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The law of attraction first steps

You may want to practice by first trying to manifest something small, such as a parking space. Next time you need to park somewhere where parking is limited, try this. First, think of something that brings you strong emotions and feelings of happiness, such as a relationship, special memory or your pet. Keep thinking about […]

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Using the law of attraction on a daily basis

I am not expecting you to visualize or meditate for hour upon hour. However, if you are serious about changing your life, you are going to have to establish a simple routine for using the law of attraction and to put the above suggestions into practice. Once you have your routine in place, it will […]

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Using The Brain to Improve Your Personal Life

Using The Brain to Improve Your Personal Life

Evaluate your skills to see how you are able to use them to better your own life.

Reach deep down, accept the discomforts, fears, or things you don’t like, and look past them to find new skills or interests.

Taking action is one of the last steps you’ll take in anything you do that helps to improve your life.

Sometimes you’ll choose bad options, yet when you make mistakes, do not dwell on the mistake.

Instead pull up your personal resources to see how you could have done things different, and do it differently the next time.

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